Spenden - Investment-Group

Let's start our investment journey with a good cause!

Our company is constantly working with many charitable foundations. You can activate your trading account by transferring the amount of your starting capital to charity and we will credit this amount from our fund to your trading account!

We regularly find new charity programmes that need financial support. Our company works with foundations and projects in various sectors that have no permanent government funding, but exist solely on the money of benefactors.

We currently support the following areas:
1. Fund for children with heart disease
2. Help for children suffering from rare diseases
3. Animal welfare projects at home and abroad
4. Support for the “Four Paws” project
5. Project to finance research in the field of ecology and forest protection
6. Fund to support people affected by disasters and wars

This list is not limited.

You can find out the detailed conditions for participating in the charity event from your account manager.
